Sunday, 3 February 2013

lst Blog

Here's my first blog!  I am determined not to lag behind electronically, whatever the emotional cost.  People tell me it's easy-peasy, just buy a book or two on the subject, lock yourself away with your laptop, food and drink to hand, and after only 3 or 4 years, you too can amaze and delight with your attention-grabbing,insightful selling-tool. 
Gone are those starving-in-a-garret days, when you wrote a book, someone published it and if the world wanted you, it came looking for you.  Now, you have to get out there and look for the world.  Which I am trying to do.  I joined LinkedIn only five minutes ago and already I am digitally 'connected' to most of the world's population and probably some extra-terrestrials too, if I but knew it.  99.9% of my new connections don't know me, nor do I know them, but we are united in a hands-across-the-globe sort of way which is both oddly reassuring and faintly sinister.

Now I'm off to Iceland.  Will post my next blog on my return.  Bless (which is Icelandic for goodbye).